Age of Empires 1.0
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Age of Empires is a civilization-building strategy game with few competitors.
Last update
4 Aug. 2016
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OS Support
Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP
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#1 in
Microsoft Studios
Screenshots of Age of Empires
Age of Empires Publisher's Description
Age of Empires is a civilization-building strategy game with few competitors. Designed at Microsoft by the same people who crafted the award-winning Civilization, Age of Empires features advanced gameplay that's comprehensive enough for hard-core fans of strategic gaming, yet simple enough for the newest gamer to pick up. It also has breathtaking 3D graphics, unusual in this area of the gaming world. Start the game with only your powers of persuasion, and then get your tribe learning essential skills and adapting and developing important technologies to advance. In time, you'll reach out to other civilizations through peaceful trade or through combat and annexation. Age of Empires is anything but predictable--single out a scenario to play and repeat, and you'll be greeted with a different situation every time. This demo version allows you to play one campaign.
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